Lecturer to do list…

The small things that make up ‘academic life’…

  1. Sort out VAT on expense claim
  2. Organise marking for seminar reviews
  3. Review two papers
  4. Organise interview transcription
  5. Sort out consultancy claim
  6. Book student to improve wordpress site
  7. Re-draft sections of Athena SWAN application
  8. Re-draft paper revisions with co-authors
  9. Write dept blogpost
  10. Send out email about dissertation prize
  11. Share draft of report for feedback
  12. Write a research project to-do list and print out spreadsheet of remaining funds
  13. Meet colleagues for end of term lunch
  14. Set ‘out of office’
  15. Go on annual leave

I think I’ll cut to 13, do 14 and try to enjoy 15 without worrying about 1 to 12! Have a great break!!

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